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Ring Blower

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Ring Blower Vacuum Blower Ring Blower Vacuum Blower

Ring blower are the ideal solution for moving large volumes of air at low pressures or vacuums.
They are a fluid machinery that is widely used and applied in industrial sectors where high pressure is needed. It is often known as pressure and vacuum pumps,industrial compressors, side channel.The blower has its various appearances, configurations and sizes depending on blower performances.recently, these blower are often uses as part of an industrial equipment and machine for air supply purposes. Common applications of the blower are pneumatic conveying systems, parts handling with vacuum systems, fish pond aeration , powder transportation, printing and others.


Operating principle
The air or gas is pulled by rotating the impeller into a side channel through the air inlet and is accelerated by an impeller rotating inside the impeller chamber. The resulting pressurized air is discharged through the exhaust outlet

The impeller is mounted directly on the electric motor shaft and rotates at the motor’s nominal speed which varies for each blower. The impeller consists of numerous radial blades on the circumference of the impeller.The number, size and angle of these blades contribute to the pneumatic performance(flows vs pressure/vacuum) characteristics of each blower. The impeller spins within a housing that consists of an inboard and outboard “channel” (hence the term side channel blower ).As the impeller rotates, air is captured between each blade on the impeller and is pushed both outward and forward into the channels. The air then returns to the base of the blade. This process is repeated over and over as the impeller spins.It is this regeneration that gives the blower its pressure/vacuum capabilities and its more common name. In essence, a regenerative blower operates like a staged reciprocal compressor and while each blade-to-blade regeneration “stage” results in only slight pressure increases.
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TGA was established in 2016.
We are an engineering based company
specializing in design, manufacturing
and sale of quality air handling products.

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No.10, Jalan Ros Merah 2/16, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.

+607-355 2225
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